The 640 MEG Shareware Studio 3
The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume III (Data Express)(1993).ISO
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442 lines
(C) Copyright Hamilton and Area Packet Network 1990
HAPN1.SYS is a device driver that supports the 8273 HDLC controller on the
HAPN-1 adapter. In order to use it, it must be defined in the DOS CONFIG.SYS
file. DOS will then load it when the system is booted.
The CONFIG.SYS entry appears as follows, where items within square brakets
are optional:
device=[d:\path\]hapn1.sys [base=bbb][,irq=i][,cts=xx][,ttsiz=z]
where bbb is the adapter 8273 base address (in hex) (i.e. 310).
The default value is 310.
i is the IRQ level. Values may be 0 through 7, and the
default value is 2.
rr is the number of Rx buffers to allocate. Minimum
number is 10, maximum number is 99, default number is 25.
tt is the number of Tx buffers to allocate. Minimum
number is 10, maximum number is 99, default number is 15.
xx is the clear-to-send delay in timer ticks (55 ms).
Values are 0 to 99, with default value 0.
z is the size of the trace table in kbytes. May be between
1 and 9. The default value is 4. Set it smaller to conserve
memory and larger to do datastream debugging.
pri=n (priority=no) By default the driver will change the priority
on the PC's interrupt controller so that the adapter interrupt
has the highest priority. This parameter tells the driver to
leave the interrupt controller priority setting alone. Use
this parameter when you have more than one adapter installed,
to help you manage the interrupt priorities. If the adapter
interrupt priority is not high enough, you will get numerous
interrupt overruns and underruns.
tim=alt tells the driver to use int 1c (hex) for the timer tick
interrupt instead of int 8. Int 8 is generally more reliable
when programs are run that use the timer tick interrupt but
do not share it properly; however in some cases it may be
desired to use int 1c instead.
The device driver contains all the HAPN-1 adapter hardware specific code
(level 1). It is used by M25.COM, which provides the AX.25 support (level 2).
HAPN1.SYS Device Driver 1
Although the driver may be opened as a DOS file, it does not provide I/O
services via DOS. This is because DOS is not re-entrant, and M25 must get
access to the HAPN-1 driver from the timer tick interrupt. If the timer tick
interrupt occurs while an application program is accessing DOS for some
function, and M25 tried to access HAPN1.SYS via DOS, the system would crash.
Therefore, an alternate means is provided for programs such as M25 to access
the functions within HAPN1.SYS without using DOS.
Programs wishing to access HAPN1.SYS directly may do so as follows:
1. Issue DOS OPEN to file with name "HAPN1-A1" for adapter 1 and "HAPN1-A2"
for adapter 2.
2. Using the handle returned from the open, issue a DOS IOCTL READ for 4
bytes of data. The 4 bytes are the long address of the HAPN1.SYS program
3. Issue DOS CLOSE.
The interface is then accessed by loading a request code in ah register,
possibly loading other registers, and issuing a far call to the api address.
From assembler this is simply done by a call instruction. Other languages
must provide a means to load registers (including segment registers) and
issue a far call. (CI C/86 provides a function called farcall which does
The api function code goes in ah for every call. For most calls, a port id
goes in al. Port ids are integers starting with 0. Use the "Get number of
ports..." api function call to find out how many ports are supported by the
driver. If you use an invalid port id, calls to the api will do nothing and
return error if possible. (Note: the HAPN-1 supports only one port, port 0.
However multi-ported adapters may be available in the future.)
Activate Driver
Load ah with 0 and call the api. The driver will be activated and start
receiving packets. If the driver is already active, the 8273 port B is
updated. There is no return code.
De-activate Driver
Load ah with 1 and call the api. The driver will be de-activated. If the
driver is already inactive, -1 is returned in AX, otherwise 0 is returned.
HAPN1.SYS Device Driver 2
Read a Frame
Load ah with 2, load es:di with the address of a buffer, load cx with the
size of the buffer, and load al with the port number. Call the api. If a
frame is available, it will be moved to your buffer and the number of bytes
returned in ax. If no frame is available, ax will be returned with 0. If the
frame is larger than your buffer, only the amount requested will be returned
and the rest discarded. Use the "get maximum frame size" api function to
find out the size of the HAPN-1 internal buffer.
Write a Frame
Load ah with 3, load es:di with the address of the buffer, load cx with the
length of data in the buffer, and load al with the port number. If a
transmit buffer is available, your frame will be copied in and the number of
bytes returned in ax. If no transmit buffers are available, ax will be
returned with 0. If your data is longer than the size of the transmit buffer,
only the transmit buffer length will be copied and transmitted, and the rest
discarded. In this case ax will contain the number of bytes actually
accepted. Use the "get maximum frame size" api function to find out the size
of the HAPN-1 internal buffer.
Request Transmission
Load ah with 4, and load al with the port number. Call the api. Any frames
in the Tx buffers will be transmitted. The RTS signal will be asserted, and
the frames transmitted after the clear-to-send delay number of timer ticks
have elapsed. (The CTS delay defaults to 0 or whatever was on the HAPN1.SYS
command line, and may be changed using the "set Clear-To-Send delay" api
function.) The driver does not test for carrier detect before transmitting.
It is the user's responsibility to do this and issue this api function at the
appropriate time. If necessary, use the "get carrier detect state" api
function to test the channel.
Get Driver Status
Load ah with 5 and call the api. On return, ax will be 0 if the driver is
inactive, and 1 if the driver is active.
Get Trace Table Data
Load ah with 6, load es:di with the address of a buffer, load cx with the
size of the buffer, and load al with the port number. Call the api. The
trace table will be returned in your buffer, up to the size passed in cx. The
buffer should be large enough for the whole trace table, since it is
wrap-around. The size may be obtained from the "get trace table size" api
HAPN1.SYS Device Driver 3
function, described below. The trace table includes a 4-byte header. The
header consists of 2 words, the first being the size of the data area of the
trace table, and the second being the offset to the next byte to use in the
data area.
Get Statistical Counters
Load ah with 7, load es:di with the address of a buffer, and load cx with the
size of the buffer, and load al with the port number. Call the api. The
statistical counters will be returned in your buffer, up to the size passed
in cx. The statistical counters are all long (4 bytes), and the buffer should
be 100 bytes (i.3. 25 counters).
Get Carrier Detect State
Load ah with 8, and load al with the port number. Call the api. On return,
ax will be 0 if there is no carrier detect, 1 if there is carrier detect, and
-1 if the status cannot be determined. Indeterminant carrier detect occurs
when the driver is transmitting and cannot test the channel. In this case,
the application should interpret the channel as busy.
Set 8273 Port B
Load ah with 9, put the port B state in cl, and load al with the port number.
Call the api. For the change to become effective, the adapter should be
activated after changing port B. (Activating the driver when it is already
active is OK and will do nothing except reset port B.)
Get Trace Table Size
Load ah with 10 and load al with the port number. Call the api. On return,
ax will contain the trace table size, including the header.
Set Clear-To-Send Delay
Load ah with 11, put the CTS delay in cx, and load al with the port number.
Call the api. The CTS delay is measured in timer ticks, where one tick equals
55 milliseconds. Note that the default value is zero (no delay) which is
only suitable where a hardware CTS is available. Otherwise, a value between 2
and 6 is suitable for most rigs. (Note that when the delay is not 0, there is
uncertainty of up to one tick, which is the time between when the transmit
order was received and the next timer tick, so use the next higher value.)
The CTS delay may also be set as one of the parameters when the driver is
installed, in which case it will override the default value of zero.
HAPN1.SYS Device Driver 4
Reset the 8273
Load ah with 12, and load al with the port number. Call the api. The 8273
will be reset.
Get HAPN-1.SYS size
Load ah with 13 and call the api. On return, ax will contain the size the
driver occupies in memory.
Get transmitter status
Load ah with 14, and load al with the port number, and call the api. On
return, ax will contain 0 if the transmitter is idle and 1 if the transmitter
is busy.
Get number of ports for this driver
Load ah with 15 and call the api. On return ax will contain the number of
ports available in this driver. Generally, the number of ports will be 1 but
may be 2 or more.
Get maximum frame size
Load ah with 16 and call the api. On return ax will contain the largest frame
that can be received or transmitted by this driver. The size includes the
ax.25 address field.
Get duplex mode
Load ah with 17 and call the api. On return ax will contain 0 for HDX and 1
for FDX.
Query Rx Data Available
Load ah with 18 and the physical port id in al, and call the api. On return
ax will contain 0 if no Rx data is avilable, or the length of the next frame
if available.
HAPN1.SYS Device Driver 5
Set duplex mode
Load ah with 19 and cl with 0 (HDX) or 1 (FDX) and call the api.
Query reserve status
Load ah with 20 and call the api. If reserve=y was specified on the command
line, 1 will be returned, otherwise 0 will be returned in ax.
Query if any Tx buffers available
Load ah with 21 and al with the physical port id, and call the api. If there
is at least one Tx buffer free 1 is returned in ax, otherwise 0 is returned.
Get port name
Load ah with 22 and al with the physical port id, and place the address of a
30-byte buffer in es:di. On return, the name of the port is moved to the
buffer, as a null-terminated string.
The trace table consists of a four byte header and a quantity of data. The
header contains a 2-byte integer specifying the length of the data, and a
2-byte integer specifying the offset in the data area to the location where
the next byte will be entered. The data area wraps around from the bottom to
the top, so the 2nd header integer points to where the oldest byte is. As new
data is written over old data in the table, the oldest entry may be partly
overwritten, and will therefore be incomplete. The table is initialized to
nulls and nulls are interpreted as unused areas.
Each trace table entry has the following format:
One byte code (alphabetic) defining the entry type.
Four byte time stamp. This is present in all entries except Rx data and
Tx data. The time stamp is a long integer and consists of the timer tick
counter in the driver. Therefore, the resolution is only in units of 55
ms. and cannot distinguish events between timer ticks.
Zero or more bytes of data for the entry.
Code Additional Data Description Of Entry
====== ======================================= ===========================
B (42) Rx-byte 8273 byte received
HAPN1.SYS Device Driver 6
C (43) 8273 Rx command issued
D (44) Tx-byte 8273 byte transmitted
E (45) 8273-stat-reg hapn1-stat-1 hapn1-stat-2 8273 Rx results malfunction
F (46) Timer: Raise RTS
G (47) HAPN-1 activate driver
H (48) 8273 Tx timeout error
K (4B) HAPN-1 deactivate driver
M (4D) Disable Rx before Tx
P (50) 8273 reset
Q (51) Enable 8273 rcv after reset
R (52) TxInt: Rx command issued
S (53) 8273-status-reg 8273 unknown interrupt
T (54) 8273 Rx timeout error
X (58) 8273-ric rx-len-lsb rx-len-msb ctrl-byte 8273 Rx result
Y (59) 8273-tic 8273 Tx result
HAPN1.SYS Device Driver 7